8 Ways A Husband Can Pursue His Wife

Men, you were intentional when you first asked your wife out, and then when asking her to marry you…now you have to keep being intentional in order to keep the fire 🔥 alive! Here are 8 ways you can show her you still want her.

1 - Listen When She’s Talking

Communication is key, but making sure you’re listening to actually hear and not just to respond is key to effective communication. Get rid of the distractions, put away your phone and turn off the TV and video games. Stare into her eyes and make sure she knows you’re actually hearing what she says and that you care. You don’t always have to give her a solution if she’s telling you about a problem, sometimes she just needs someone to talk to.

2 - Ask Her Out On A Date

You might be better all the time. You might eat every day together. But it doesn’t always count as a “date” if you didn’t ask. When you ask her either through text or a little handwritten note, it makes her feel like you are thinking of her and care about the time you spend together. Oh, and when you ask her out plan in advance where you’re going to go or where you’re going to eat. Don’t show up and then ask…”Where do you want to eat?”

3 - Hold Her Hand

Instead of reaching for your phone when you’re together, reach for her hand. Holding her hand in public lets her know she’s yours and that you want the world to know it. Constant physical touch has been proven to increase positive bodily chemicals and incite romance.

4 - Leave Her Sweet Notes To Find

This doesn’t have to be complicated. Just go and buy a pack of sticky notes and write a few sweet words in advance. When you’re leaving stick a note on her car window or on her purse. It takes a little time but really does give you a big return. You will put a smile on her face for the rest of the day.

5 -Open The Car Door

Chivalry is not dead!! Be a gentleman and open the door! It' doesn’t have to be every time you’re together but at least when you’re on a date or out to dinner. Go the extra step and open and close her door. I’m so surprised at the looks I get from people when they see me open my wife’s door. It inspires other people and also makes your wife feel like she’s got the best guy!

6 - Text Her Randomly Throughout The Day

Set a reminder on your phone and send her a random text! Let her know you’re thinking of her and make it personal. “Hey there beautiful. I was just sitting her and couldn’t stop thinking about how amazing your green eyes are. I’m such a lucky man to get to look into your eyes every day.”

7 - Pray For Her And With Her

You have no idea how much taking a few minutes and praying for your wife will mean for her. Lay your hand on her shoulders or back and ask God to bless her. If she’s going through something, stop and pray. If she’s feeling discouraged, stop and pray. This means the world to women to know that you are a strong spiritual covering.

8 - Run Her A Warm Bath And Light A Candle

If you’re married, you should know her routine by now. When it gets time for her nightly ritual move in ahead of her and start the bath. Get a candle and light it and let her know you want her to relax. It literally takes 30 seconds but is a sweet and sexy way for you to let her know you care.

If you got something out of this blog make sure you share it with your spouse. If you’re a woman reading this, just send the link to your husband and say “these are great ideas! I’m reading up on ways to pursue you as well!”

I Love You More, Most, And Forever

The covenant between a husband and wife is the force created to move humanity forward. No institution exists with more importance. All of the cultural issues that we are facing on a global scale, including the debates surrounding sexuality, gender identity, and gender equality are all indicators of how far we have shifted from God’s original design for marriage. It’s time for the church to step forward and raise the Biblical standard because marriage is the solution that the world has been searching for.

Through a combination of personal stories, Biblical teaching, and practical instruction, you will learn how to properly navigate through three stages of dating and marriage using the Tabernacle of Moses as a reference. This message will empower you to move beyond the surface levels of dating and marriage so that you can experience true and lasting love. Whether you are single or married, this teaching will help you navigate through the complexities of relating to the opposite sex. God's desire is for you to experience the gift of marriage. Imagine what would happen if your marriage became a tabernacle for the Glory of God!


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