This is advice we give to everyone who is dating. If you are considering marriage (if you’re dating you should have that in mind) these are the two questions you should be asking yourself.
Over the last several years, Viktoriya and I have been experiencing an extraordinary and accelerated growth process. At the end of 2021, we officially launched Empowered Culture Ministries and set off on a journey to empower as many as we could by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. While we teach on a variety of Kingdom principles, God has focused our ministry these last three years on helping couples understand the biblical model for marriage. This has been some of the most rewarding work we have done in ministry.
I am concerned that much of the church is not ready for the surge of AI that has already started to emerge like a tsunami THIS YEAR (2023).
When I say I'm concerned for the church...Most don't even know what I'm saying when I use the term Artificial Intelligence. Here's what I see happening…
What’s the quickest way to a person’s heart? To serve them! Now the idea of serving can be about taking care of physical tasks to lift the burden off of them but there’s more to it. Husbands are called to serve their wives just as Christ served the church. These 5 strategies for serving are a great start to help you show your wife you care and that you believe that you are purpose partners!
Communicating can be the death of a marriage if it's not done well. How can two people walk together except they agree? Now it's not about seeing the same way, but about understanding the other person's perspective and coming to an agreement about how you're going to move forward together. We’ve put together 8 tips to help you communicate more effectively with your spouse.