What Do You Do When All Hell Breaks Loose?
First off I know that the picture that I put with this blog doesn't really match the title...but you will understand as you read on...I also know this title seems a bit extreme, but it's not that extreme to those who are going through it. Let's face it, there are seasons of life where we feel as if everything that can go wrong does go wrong. These are the times where we feel that no matter which way we turn there is opposition. Maybe you feel like you have done everything you know to do and that you shouldn't be experiencing this hard season. Well, I have been there and I know how hard it can be.
If you are anything like me, sometimes the hardest times of your life are when no one seems to notice that you are going through anything at all. Have you ever felt isolated? Picked on? Singled out? Well if you have, I have good news for you! The greater the opposition, the greater the level of breakthrough!
Click to Tweet: "The greater the opposition, the greater the level of breakthrough!"
Think about it...why would the enemy fight against what he is not threatened by? Now, don't get me wrong, I know that we have to take responsibility for the bad decisions that we make in our lives...but I'm talking about the things you didn't sow for. These are attacks that came and you were seemingly doing all the right things!
1 Corinthians 16:9 "There is a wide-open door for great work here, although many oppose me."
This is what Paul was saying about an area of ministry that God had called him to. He realized that for every great opportunity for doing the work of the Kingdom, there would be an equal level of opposition. You must also realize that the opposite of this statement is also true. For you who may be asking God, "Why am I going through this??" Here is your answer...
If you are going through some type of opposition, there is an unrecognized opportunity at hand for a great manifestation of God's Kingdom! The prayer I always decree when going through hardships and trials is this:
"I decree that the Law of Recognition is activated in my life. My eyes are open to the resources, opportunities, and beneficial relationships that are surrounding me. I declare that my ears are open to the frequencies of heaven and I am ready to take action for the cause of Christ and His Kingdom!"
Maybe you should stop right now and pray that prayer too! What the enemy wants you to do is be so distracted by the chaos of your present circumstances, that you lose sight of the purpose of God! However, what the enemy doesn't know is that every obstacle that he places before you will be used as the platform or the stage that you will stand on in this season to declare the message of the Kingdom.
Click to Tweet: "This present pain is preparing a platform for you to preach and proclaim the Gospel!"
What you are going through will either break you or launch you. What do I mean? The trials that you are facing will either stop you completely in your tracks or will be fuel for you to accelerate into fulfilling your purpose. My mentor, Dr. Cindy Trimm has always told me, "Your next level has been booby-trapped to keep you out."
It's the process that prepares you for your next level. Do you think what you are going through now is bad? Don't you understand that God knows the pressure of the next level? Don't you think that he knows that you will be completely broken if you are not prepared before he gives you access to that next level? So what am I saying in all of this? Don't stop now!
My answer is pretty simple to the question that I raised. What do you do when all hell breaks loose? You REJOICE because you are closer to your breakthrough than you have ever been!
James 1:2-4 "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."
There is a purpose in this that you are going through. Though you may have not known it...you can now recognize that God will use the trials that you face, the attacks of the enemy, and the pain of your experiences to prepare you for GREATER>>> So PRAISE HIM now for the breakthrough that is inevitable!